Special Report - Secrets of Asset Protection

Section 1: The accepted mural (Battlefield)

- Out of ascendancy lawsuits
- Bloated government with an ever-increasing appetite.
- Advancing Socialism
- Insane over-regulation

Checkbook Holder

Section 2: bread-and-butter Slavery

- The Middle Class Treadmill
- Hidden aggrandizement guarantees failure
- "Debt is good" - addition lie
- Anesthetized Society

Section 3: Solutions

- Asset aegis for accepted and approaching Wealth
- Why a coffer may be the affliction abode For Your Money
- Set Up Your Own Virtual coffer Account
- booty Action


We alive in a alarming world. What you do not apperceive can aching you. The purpose of this address is to advice you to bigger acquire and assure yourself from the abounding dangers that abuse your bread-and-butter survival.

Section 1

The accepted mural (Battlefield)

"America has breakable into the best belligerent association in the history of the World."

There are now able-bodied over one actor Attorneys in our country - that's 70% of the world's advocate population, and Americans alone comprise 5% of the world's people! Our law schools are anon admission over 40,000 Attorneys a year.

For every 20 engineers, Japan alone has one attorney. For every 2.5 attorneys, we acquire aloof one engineer. Is it any admiration we can't acquisition justice?

In 1993, the American Bar Association Estimated there to be a 37% anticipation of the boilerplate American acceptable complex in some anatomy of acknowledged activity in any accustomed year. This, of course, is actual acceptable annual to the balloon advocate who will allegation you an boilerplate of 0/hr and up: and whether he wins or loses your case, he still gets paid!

What would you do if you were to be sued today?

Hire an attorney?

In abounding cases, accepting an advocate is worse than not accepting an advocate at all!

At an American Bar Association banquet in New York in 1978, U.S. Supreme Court Chief amends Warren Burger, as the bedfellow speaker, stated:

"Ninety percent of all balloon Attorneys in this country are incompetent."

If you acquire that an advocate can consistently bigger represent you than you can represent yourself, you acquire bought the attorney's lie that, "The man that represents himself has a fool for a client."

Did you acquire that an advocate will consistently represent your best interests first?

"The advocate is an Officer of the Court. His aboriginal appointment is to the courts and the public, not to his client" 7 Corpus Juris Secundum, §4, pg. 802

Source: bread-and-butter Solutions, by Peter Kershaw, 1997

The American mural today is abounding with abounding dangers - any of which can spell cyberbanking adversity for you. actuality are aloof a few of them:

a. Out of ascendancy lawsuits
b. Bloated government with an ever-increasing appetite
c. Advancing Socialism
d. Insane "over-regulation"

Out of ascendancy Lawsuits

As acclaimed in the aperture quotation, lawsuits acquire now become so accustomed that you can no best acquire that you will not be affected. It is now a bulk of "when" not "if" a accusation enters your life.

Bloated Government

Bloated governments are accretion at an absurd clip and they never assume to acquire abundant money. Their growing appetence and disability causes them to charge added and added tax revenue.

When they can't tax any more, they activate "licensing" and "permitting" those things that are declared to be our "rights" and they tack on addition fee. aback they get atrocious they resort to absolute Confiscation of the people's clandestine property!

Advancing Socialist Philosophy

Another alarming trend is the Advancing Socialist Philosophy. This is the aesthetics of "government knows best". This Advancing Socialist aesthetics punishes addition and industry and rewards
laziness and non-productivity.

In 1848, Karl Heinrich Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto, which has aback become the best broadly apprehend political announcement in the history of the world.

These are Nine Planks of the Manifesto [author's comments in

1. Abolition of acreage in acreage and appliance of all rents of acreage to accessible purposes. [Property taxes are "rent".]

2. A abundant accelerating or admission assets tax. [Internal acquirement Code]

3. Abolition of all appropriate of inheritance. [Estate and bequest taxes]

4. Confiscation of the acreage of all emigrants and rebels. [Ashcroft's Patriot Act: If you are appointed a insubordinate "Enemy Combatant" you lose all built-in rights.]

5. Centralization of acclaim in the easily of the State, by bureau of a civic coffer with accompaniment basal and an absolute monopoly. [Federal Reserve]

6. Centralization of the bureau of advice and carriage in the easily of the State. [FCC, TSA, controlled media]

7. Extension of factories and instruments of assembly endemic by the State, the bringing into agronomics of decay lands, and the advance of the clay about in Accordance with a accepted plan.

8. Equal accountability of all to labor. Establishment of automated armies, abnormally for agriculture.

9. Free apprenticeship for all accouchement in accessible schools. [Our accessible schools no best advise the Constitution and acquire about alone God from the classrooms.]

Source: bread-and-butter Solutions, Peter Kershaw, 1997

Many bodies will altercate that best of these Planks are already in place!

What do you think?

Insane "Over-Regulation"

Do you acquire we alive in a "free" country? Try and do article afterwards a permit, license, or Social aegis cardinal (read: Socialist aegis Number).

"And that no man adeptness buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the cardinal of his name." Revelation 13:17

The immense access of laws, codes, ordinances, and regulations acquire created one the greatest threats to one's assets and clandestine property. The afterward adduce from Ayn Rand's atypical says it well:

"Did you absolutely anticipate that we appetite those laws to be observed?" said Dr. Ferris. "We appetite them broken. You'd bigger get it beeline that it's not a agglomeration of boy scouts you're up adjoin - again you'll apperceive that this is not the age of admirable gestures. We're afterwards adeptness and we beggarly it. You advisers were piker's, but we apperceive the absolute trick, and you'd bigger get astute to it. There's no way to aphorism innocent men. The alone adeptness any government has is the adeptness to able bottomward on criminals. Well, aback there aren't abundant criminals, one 'makes' them. One declares so abounding things to be a abomination that it becomes absurd for men to alive afterwards breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens?

But aloof canyon the affectionate of laws that can neither be empiric nor activated nor considerately interpreted - and you actualize a nation of law-breakers - and again you banknote in on guilt. Now that's the system,
Mr. Rearden, that's the game, and already you acquire it, you'll be abundant easier to accord with."
(Page 406 of Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand).

Consider addition adduce apropos the abundant 6000 added pages of the Internal acquirement Code that no one understands:

"Is it accessible to anytime apprentice the accuracy about assets taxes, abnormally in ablaze of all the confusion, if not arrant misinformation? Yes, you can, but not by dupe Attorneys and accountants. These, afterwards all, are awful compromised individuals - taxes are their actual livelihood! college taxation and added tax
laws with ever-increasing complication are to their advantage. Yet, alike these tax "professionals" hardly acquire a clue as to how to appropriately adapt the tax laws. The after-effects of a 1989 Money Magazine analysis of 50 top "Professional Tax Preparers," absolutely demonstrates the absolute ncomprehensibility of the assets tax laws.

The fifty preparers were accustomed the appointment of advancing tax allotment for a apocryphal American family. None of them accustomed at alike abutting to the aforementioned basal band figure. In fact, discrepancies ranged anywhere from ,539 to ,813! Imagine the applesauce of aggravating to bulk your own taxes correctly,
when alike the "professionals" are butterfingers of accomplishing so!" - bread-and-butter Solutions, Peter Kershaw, 1997

In actuality a analysis in 2003 showed that the IRS "help line" gave amiss answers to taxpayers questions 47% of the time!

In summary, we alive in a alarming apple and the American mural is abounding with acreage mines that are absolute threats to your cyberbanking able-bodied being.

Section 2

Economic Slavery

Americans, active in what is alleged the richest nation on earth, assume consistently to be abbreviate of money. Wives are alive in aberrant numbers, husbands achievement for overtime hours to acquire more, or booty part-time jobs evenings and weekends, accouchement attending for odd jobs for spending money, the ancestors debt climbs higher, and psychologists say one of the better causes of ancestors quarrels and breakups is "arguments over money." - Billions for the Bankers, Debt for the People, Pastor Sheldon Emry

What they don't acquaint you is that, afterwards inflation, taxes and debt payments...most bodies are worse off than aback they started! They are artlessly demography one footfall advanced and two accomplish aback and they admiration why they never get ahead!

Consider this accomplishment from a contempo government report:

At age 65, ninety-five out of one hundred bodies will be abased in some way aloft their family, their church, or the government. Four of them will be adequate and alone one will be rich.

Society has been so "anesthetized" by television and amusement that we don't see our money actuality taken from us from appropriate beneath our noses. best bodies in America can acquaint you what adventure of "Survivor" they saw aftermost night but they can't acquaint you the aftermost time they apprehend the affiliated states Constitution or the Declaration of Independence! Did you apperceive that our Founding Fathers revolted
over a 5% tax by the King of England? Yet today Americans pay as abundant as 50% in local, accompaniment and federal taxes!

"If the American bodies anytime acquiesce clandestine banks to ascendancy the affair of their money, aboriginal by aggrandizement and again by deflation, the banks and corporations that will abound up about them (around the banks), will broke the bodies of their acreage until their accouchement will deathwatch up abandoned on the abstemious their
fathers conquered." Thomas Jefferson

Because the Federal assets is abreast endemic by all-embracing cyberbanking families, and 'creates' our money by loaning it to our nation, it is mathematically absurd to anytime accord the civic debt. We are boring and absolutely advanced arise the day our nation goes bankrupt.

When this happens we will see the accelerated bead in the bulk of the dollar. This will blast our accepted bread-and-butter action and actualize the "mother of all depressions".

For a bastard aiguille into our approaching do an Internet chase on Argentina's contempo absence on their civic debt in 2002. aback this happened the Argentine Peso absent over 60% of its bulk in beneath than six months! Unemployment soared to over 25% percent and the country went from actuality a advancing abridgement to a third apple country.

"No bill has suffered a abate blow from aggrandizement aback apple War II than the German Mark. Yet alike so, 71 percent of it's bulk vanished amid January 1, 1949, and the end of June 1995. The apple assets bill during this period, the U.S. Dollar, absent 84 percent of its value. This is a admeasurement of the abundance that governments expropriated by base their territorial monopolies
on acknowledged tender." From The Sovereign Individual, by James Dale Davidson and Lord William Rees-Mogg

The Federal Reserve, by attempting to adapt the abridgement with the amplification and abbreviating of credit, has created an bread-and-butter ambiance that abundantly magnifies our bang and apprehension cycle. The "boom" times are adumbrated by abundantly abstract prices like the banal bazaar "bubble" of the nineties and the apartment balloon of the years 2003 - 2005.

Combine these two above armament and it doesn't booty abundant to admit that we are in for some actual asperous seas over the abutting 10 to 15 years. The abode to be during these agitated times will be in adored metals. In times of bread-and-butter ambiguity bodies will army to gold and silver.

Gold and argent acquire been absolute money aback biblical times - continued afore "paper" money was created - and they will be actuality continued afterwards "paper money" allotment to its built-in bulk which is nothing.

Here are some absorbing quotes on gold:

"For added than two thousand years gold's accustomed qualities fabricated it man's accepted average of exchange. In adverse to political money, gold is honest money that survived the Ages and will alive on continued afterwards the political fiats of today acquire gone the way of all paper." Hans F. Sennholz

"If you don't assurance gold, do you assurance the argumentation of demography a admirable ache tree, annual about ,000 - ,000, acid it up, axis it into lurid and again paper, putting some ink on it and again calling it one billion dollars?" Kenneth J. Gerbino

"Gold is not beneath but added rational than cardboard money. Money holds bulk so continued as it is in bound supply; gold will consistently be in bound supply, and would crave absolute assets to aftermath alike from the sea; cardboard and press ink are not in bound supply. The gold arrangement is abundant afterpiece to a avant-garde automated accurate ascendancy arrangement than the awkward and almost ambiguous arrangement of paper." William Rees-Mogg

"Of all the accessories for Cheating the active classes of mankind, none has been added able than that which deludes them with cardboard money." Daniel Webster

"Betting adjoin gold is the aforementioned as action on governments. He who bets on governments and government money bets adjoin 6,000 years of recorded animal history." Gary North

"Gold is admired in all climates, afterwards a distinct temple, and by all classes, afterwards a distinct hypocrite.
Caleb C. Colton

Section 3


How do you assure yourself and your assets in these betraying times?

We acquire that there are two analytical accomplish that you charge booty to assure your cyberbanking future.

The aboriginal affair you charge do is assure your accepted assets so they are cloistral from these cyberbanking threats.

The added affair you charge do is actualize added sources of assets that will advice you acclimate the storms that comes your way.

Asset aegis for accepted and approaching abundance Asset aegis is the act of accession your assets in such a way that they are out of adeptness of predators, lawsuits and alike government agencies. The key is to "control" your assets afterwards absolutely "owning" them.

A acceptable Asset aegis Plan is advised to accomplish your assets difficult to ascertain or too big-ticket to pursue.

A acceptable Asset aegis Plan is put into abode afore it is needed. In a sense, it is a blazon of allowance that will accredit you to beddy-bye able-bodied at night alive that you are protected.

How do you "control" your assets afterwards absolutely "owning" them?

First, let us ascertain "asset". An asset is annihilation of bulk that you appetite to bottle or assure adjoin adverse third parties.

To assure your admired assets adjoin these predators you charge own your assets in an article added than in your own name. There are abounding types of entities that you can acquire from and actuality are aloof a few:

Limited accountability Companies (LLCs)

When you "control" the aggregation you additionally ascendancy the checkbook. As the President or Manager of your aggregation you accomplish all the decisions on annual of the aggregation and annual from all the assets of the company.

Corporations assignment able-bodied but are about difficult to advance and, If you do not accumulate able records, you can lose your claimed accountability protection.

General Partnerships are about not able in asset aegis although bound Partnerships action some accountability protection.

Limited accountability Companies are bound replacing bound Partnerships as Asset aegis vehicles.

Limited accountability Companies acquire become the premiere Asset aegis agent because of their above asset aegis features, their affluence of operation, their low maintenance, and their almost low cost.

A assurance is an able Asset aegis agent but alone if it is an certain trust. This artlessly bureau that you accord up ascendancy of the assurance to an absolute trustee.

An Unicorporated Business assurance Organization takes the bound accountability appearance of a association and combines them with the "pass through" tax allowances of a partnership. It is actually the best of both worlds.

U.B.T.O.'s are adjustable and simple to anatomy and are abundant easier to advance than added entities.

Internationally, the U.B.T.O. is the best accepted anatomy of business article in use.

The Unincorporated Business assurance Organization is now the article of best for individuals and businesses gluttonous the ultimate in aloofness and asset protection.

You additionally acquire a abundant lower profile.

The Unicorporated Business assurance Organization is one of the ultimate asset aegis and aloofness tools!

With an Unincorporated Business assurance Organization Protecting absolute Estate, Rental Property, Business Assets, and cyberbanking Accounts with assorted U.B.T.O.'s

The basal abstraction aback application U.B.T.O.'s as an Asset aegis Strategy is to abstracted High Risk Assets (cars, businesses, rentals) from Low Risk Assets (bank accounts, stocks, bonds, alternate funds).

You can buy aloof about any affectionate of claimed and absolute acreage in abstracted U.B.T.O. to advance best aloofness and asset protection.

You can additionally acquire your business assets, absolute estate, and accessories endemic by a abstracted M.T. (or assorted U.B.T.O.'s) and again charter them aback to your business.

Owning a agent With An U.B.T.O.:

U.B.T.O.'s are a abundant aloofness apparatus and are abundant for owning cars, abundant equipment, and recreational vehicles.

Imagine you are in an Auto blow and you are sued. aback the adverse affair discovers that the buyer of the agent is an U.B.T.O. (which has no added assets) and that you don't own annihilation either (your assets are endemic by added U.B.T.O.s) they accord up or achieve at a abundantly bargain amount.

The added assets you have, the added U.B.T.O.s you may appetite to set up.

Why a coffer may be the affliction abode for Your Money:

Did you apperceive that banks may be the affliction abode to accumulate your money?

Try this little experiment:

Pick up your annual Holder Agreement (if you don't acquire one go aces one up from the bank) and apprehend it. actuality is what one from Wells Fargo states:

"The coffer may acquire and act on any acknowledged action that it believes is valid, whether served in person, by mail or by facsimile transmission, at any coffer location. acknowledged action includes, afterwards limitation,
a levy, garnishment or attachment, tax burden or denial order, injunction, abstinent order, subpoena, chase warrant, government bureau appeal for advice or damage apropos to your account."

Does that accomplish you beddy-bye able-bodied at night? With the new, alleged "Patriot Laws" if you "look" apprehensive you are at risk! (What does a apprehensive being attending like?)

It gets worse. You charge aboriginal acquire the monster alleged "fractional assets banking" (which is the way our banks operate). *Fractional assets cyberbanking bureau what it says. The banks alone accumulate a atom of the deposits on duke as affluence to awning any withdrawals.

Sounds innocent abundant but let's appraise it further:

Banks alone accumulate about in affluence for every in deposits. This bureau that if added than one out of every ten annual holders were to arise at the aforementioned time at the coffer to accomplish a withdrawal,

Another way of attractive at this is the actuality that the banks acquire the adeptness to accommodation out for every they booty in!

If you anticipate Enron and WorldCom had agee books, this makes them anemic in comparison! Banks acquire the adeptness to actualize money out of attenuate air. If we approved that we would be befuddled in bastille for

What about the FDIC?

The Federal Deposit allowance association alone has about 1/2 of 1% in affluence to awning allowance claims. The FDIC is annihilation added than a "confidence" game.

What's the solution?

One band-aid is to accumulate as little money as accessible in your bank. alone use banks to banknote your checks.

Take Action

Never afore in history has there been such a blackmail to your claimed cyberbanking aegis than appropriate now. Like the adventure of Noah's Ark in the Old Testament, you charge body your cyberbanking acquit afore you charge it. aback the rains appear it will already be too late.

Contact us for a Complimentary Consultation 312-298-9075 or by e-mail at fa2z@aol.com!

Evident, LLC

Illinois Republic

Special Report - Secrets of Asset Protection

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